Join Us

Ready to launch your dream digital empire in 3 days? 

Join us for the




The Challenge Begins...

Jan 3, 8PM (UTC+8)









Time to shine, but is your digital platform


You may be...

  • struggling to package your expertise into a digital product that truly resonates with your audience.

  • spending countless hours researching, trying to figure out the best platforms and tools to use.

  • frustrated with technical issues and feeling like you're wasting precious time and energy.

Join the Challenge

What to expect during this challenge?

We have designed a transformative program specifically for experts like you, who are new to the online world.


No more piecing together your online empire with duct tape and hope! This challenge unlocks the secrets of Kajabi: build stunning websites, craft irresistible digital products, and launch marketing campaigns that convert.


You're not alone on this journey. Join a tribe of ambitious experts united by a desire to serve and conquer the online world. Share experiences, celebrate successes, and tap into the collective wisdom of like-minded professionals.


When you join the challenge live, you'll unlock a treasure trove of exclusive resources. Imagine proven templates and swipe files to bonus trainings and insider tips, these resources will be your secret weapon for building a thriving online empire that lasts.

Check out the daily details

Day 1: Kajabi Kickstart – Your Digital HQ Awaits!

Get ready to transform your digital presence! Today, we'll unlock the secrets of Kajabi, the all-in-one platform that powers your online empire. We'll navigate its intuitive dashboard, personalize your website with a stunning theme and homepage, and even craft your first captivating landing page – all in a day's work! By the end, you'll have a solid foundation and be buzzing with excitement for what's to come.

Day 2: Course Creation Conquering – From Idea to Impact

Let's turn your expertise into an irresistible online course! Today, we'll dive into Kajabi's course creation tools. We'll structure your content, design engaging modules and lessons, and sprinkle in multimedia elements to keep your students hooked. You'll master quizzes, assessments, and assignments, and customize the course player for a seamless learning experience. By nightfall, your knowledge will be transformed into a powerful learning journey.

Day 3: Marketing Magnetism – Attract Your Dream Audience

Ready to unleash Kajabi's marketing magic? Today, we'll build magnetic campaigns that attract and convert your ideal clients. We'll craft automated email sequences that nurture leads, design sales funnels that convert clicks to customers, and even explore upsells and downsells to maximize your revenue potential. Finally, we'll create a thriving community through a membership site or access group. By the end, you'll have a marketing machine ready to propel your business to new heights.


I'm Avic!

Mentor, Educator, & Chief Motivator 

Academia was supposed to be my final chapter, a cozy retirement filled with lectures and tenure. But something funny happened. The walls started feeling… limiting. I craved the freedom to reach beyond classrooms and borders, to ignite minds across the globe. So, I did what any adventurer would – I packed my knowledge, embraced the digital frontier, and embarked on a new adventure: teaching the world online.

For the past year, I've been knee-deep in Kajabi, mastering its every nook and cranny. Now, I'm here to offer you the shortcut I wish I had: a chance to skip the tech headaches and unlock the power of Kajabi without a year of trial and error.

Join us for the

3 Day Challenge On

Jan 3, 8PM (UTC+8)









we can't wait to see you!  

Join The Challenge Now

Take flight with your digital mastery!